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Ganhuyag Chuluun Hutagt.
Ano da Graduação.
All 1953-1980 1981-1986 1987-1990 1991-1993 1994-1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2018 2018 2018 2018 2018 2018 2018 2017-2018 2019-2020.
Corvinus University of Budapest Alumni.
Laszlo Szabo.
CFO at Chevrolet Central and Eastern Europe LLC.
Corvinus University of Budapest 1994 — 1999.
Master’s Degree, Business Administration - Finance.
Computer Programming and Accounting.
Chevrolet Central and Eastern Europe LLC January 2018 - Present.
General Motors European Financial Shared Service Center November 2008 - December 2009.
General Motors Europe AG - Zurich March 2004 - October 2008.
General Motors Europe - Central & Eastern Europe Regional Office - Budapest September 2002 - February 2004.
General Motors Southeast Europe LLC May 2000 - August 2002.
PricewaterhouseCoopers Ltd - Budapest September 1999 - April 2000.
Sarbanes-Oxley Act, Finance, Process Improvement, US GAAP, Forecasting, Pricing, Corporate Finance, Budgets, Consolidation, Auditing, Internal Controls, Financial Forecasting, Financial Reporting, Automotive, Strategic Planning, Financial Analysis, Restructuring, Accounting, Vehicles, Business Planning, Competitive Analysis, Managerial Finance, Automobile, Leadership, Management, Business Strategy.
Laszlo Tar.
Entrepreneur, Expert on Internet Ventures.
Budapest Corvinus University 2008 — 2018.
MA, International Relations.
Erasmus Student, European Studies.
BA, Economics, European Studies.
Associate, Marketing and Advertisement.
Pannonline September 2003 - Present.
Central European Startup Awards January 2018 - May 2018.
Pannonline September 2000 - April 2003.
Self-employed September 1998 - August 2000.
VICO Press September 1996 - October 1997.
Laszlo Vass.
member of the Accreditation Committee at European Association for Public Administration Accreditation.
Corvinus University of Budapest 1970 — 1976.
MA, CSc, dr. habil., Economics, Political Science.
European Association for Public Administration Accreditation August 2018 - Present.
Budapest College of Communication and Business January 2001 - Present.
Political Year-Book of Hungary 1988 - Present.
Corvinus University Budapest 1977 - Present.
Hungarian Fulbright Association 2009 - 2018.
First Hungarian Lobby Association June 2003 - May 2008.
NISPAcee 2003 - 2006.
Prime Minister's Office 1990 - 2000.
Research, Government Relations, Higher Education, Government, Public Policy, Leadership Development, Teaching, Strategic Planning, Editing, Public Relations, Policy, Non-profits, Strategic Communications, Corporate Social. Lobbying, Public Affairs, Social Media, International Relations, Statistics, Nonprofits, Qualitative Research, Political Science, Management, Economics, Management Consulting, Analysis, Lecturing, English, Blogging, Media Relations, Organizational. Journalism, Sociology, European Union, Public Administration, Policy Analysis, Public Speaking, SPSS, Program Evaluation, Theory, Coaching, French, Change Management, Governance, Marketing Communications, Corporate Communications, Event Management, Data Analysis, Intercultural. University Teaching.
Laszlo Zentko.
director at ITD Hungary.
Corvinus University of Budapest 2003 — 2007.
ITD Hungary 2008 - Present.
ToiFor IRQ 2007 - 2008.
László Juhász.
IT Service Delivery Manager at TSystems.
Tecnologia da Informação e Serviços.
Budapesti Gazdasági Főiskola.
T-Systems February 2018 - Present.
BT August 2018 - January 2018.
Cognizant Technology Solutions January 2018 - August 2018.
Cognizant Technology Solutions January 2018 - January 2018.
Transcom June 2009 - December 2018.
Telemedia March 2008 - December 2008.
Photel Customer Experience January 2007 - March 2008.
CCNA, Cisco Nexus, ITIL v3 Foundations. Six Sigma, Microsoft Excel, Incident Management, Problem Management, Change Management, Data Analysis, Troubleshooting, Training, Juniper, Citrix, ITIL, BMC Remedy, IT Service Management, Switches, Service Delivery, Cisco Technologies, Technical Support, Sla, Transition Management, IT Operations, Data Center, Vendor Management, IT Management, Software Documentation, IT Strategy, Management, WAN, IT Outsourcing, Outsourcing, Call Centers, Managed Services, Customer Satisfaction, VoIP, Project Delivery, Routers.
Gabor Lévai.
CEO & Founder at Civil Support Nonprofit Ltd.
Nonprofit Organization Management.
Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem.
Bachelor of Arts (BA), Business/Managerial Economics.
Civil Support Nonprofit Ltd. September 2018 - Present.
Civil Magyarország March 2018 - Present.
Hungarian Leasing Association September 2006 - Present.
Mansoon Outsourcing Ltd. 2005 - 2006.
Root Outsourcing Ltd. 2000 - 2005.
Budapest Bank 1999 - 2000.
Euroleasing 1995 - 2000.
Business Strategy, People Management, Sales Management, B2B, New Business Development, Business Coaching, Mediation, Community Development, Management, Product Development, Team Leadership, Project Management, Start-ups, Change Management, Analysis, Banking, Business Analysis, Business Development, Business Planning, Business Process. CRM, Coaching, Entrepreneurship, Executive Management, Finance, International Business, Leadership, Leadership Development, Management Consulting, Market Research, Marketing Communications, Marketing Management, Marketing Strategy, Media Relations, Mergers & Acquisitions, Negotiation, Nonprofits, Organizational. Outsourcing, Public Relations, Risk Management, Sales, Strategic Partnerships, Strategic Planning, Strategy, Team Building, Team Management, Training, Strategic Consulting, Corporate Finance.
László Lévai.
Analyst at GoodWill Consulting Ltd.
Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem 2018 — 2018.
Master of Science (MS), International Economy and Business.
Bachelor's degree, Business Administration and Management.
GoodWill Consulting Ltd. November 2018 - Present.
Duna House November 2018 - March 2018.
Project Management, Teamwork, Strategic Planning, English, Microsoft Excel, Visual Basic, Time Management, Consulting, B2B, Negotiation, Project Planning, Microsoft Office, Windows, Research, Outlook, Photoshop, Microsoft Word, Editing, Sales, Social Media, Video Editing.
Levente B. Molnar.
Student at Corvinus University of Budapest.
Tecnologia da Informação e Serviços.
Budapest Corvinus University 2018 — 2018.
Bachelor of Science (BSc), Business Information Technologist.
Microsoft Excel, Visual C#, Microsoft Office, Visual Basic, VBA, , Microsoft SQL Server, SQL, Windows, Databases, MySQL, Software Development, Debian, Linux, Programming, Business Analysis.
Linda Meszaros.
Hospitality Sales & Revenue Consultant.
Bachelor of Science, Hospitality Management.
BSc, Total Quality Manageement.
Hospitality Consulting SP August 2018 - Present.
Royal Park Boutique Hotel**** January 2018 - August 2018.
Alfa Hotel Group Ltd. March 2018 - December 2018.
Racz Hotel & Thermal Spa***** May 2009 - March 2018.
Horwath HTL HUngary and Russia June 2008 - September 2008.
Horwath HTl Hungary & Russia December 2007 - February 2008.
Four Seasons Gresham Palace***** January 2007 - July 2007.
Hotel Golf Peralada***** (Spain) January 2005 - July 2005.
Rombalds Best western Hotel & Restaurant***AA (Ilkley, UK) September 2000 - August 2001.
Revenue Management, Event Management, Web Marketing, Sales, Marketing Communications, Hotels, Tourism, Hospitality, Resorts, Restaurants, Spa, Marketing, Hospitality Industry, Hotel Management, Food & Beverage, Pre-opening, Revenue Analysis, Hospitality Management, Management, Yield Management, Social Media Marketing, Front Office, Online Marketing, Public Relations.
Lívia Margit Nagy.
Business Development Manager at SOPRESO.
Tecnologia da Informação e Serviços.
Corvinus University of Budapest 2005 — 2018.
SOPRESO August 2018 - Present.
Statzup November 2018 - Present.
Scitec Nutrition June 2018 - November 2018.
Xerox 2018 - 2018.
Corvinus University of Budapest 2018 - 2018.
Viacom 2018 - 2018.
Sales, Market Research, Account Management, English, SAP, Analysis, Management, Event Management, Sales Order Processing, Microsoft Office, Marketing Communications, Project Management, Marketing Strategy, Foreign Languages, Recruiting, Negotiation, Teamwork, Supplements, Sales Presentations.
Lola Judit Bodnar.
Content Manager at Sanoma Media Budapest.
Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem 2006 — 2018.
Master of Arts (M. A.), communication and media sciences.
Sanoma Media Budapest April 2018 - Present.
Brainexpress Innovation 2008 - Present.
Sanoma Media Budapest August 2018 - April 2018.
Sanoma Media Budapest November 2018 - August 2018.
Hungarian Television October 2008 - June 2009.
Journalism, Editing, Content Management, Blogging, Copywriting, Creative Writing, Online Publishing, New Media, Social Media, Online Marketing, Online Advertising, Marketing Communications, Digital Marketing, Mobile Media, Advertising, Online Communications, Digital Media, Google Analytics.
László Sinka.
IT Director at Banco Primus.
Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem 2018 — 2018.
Master of Science (MSc), IT Management, Postgraduate.
Bachelor of Science (BSc), Information Technology.
Banco Primus November 2007 - Present.
Bank Plus September 2006 - October 2007.
Bank Plus September 2004 - September 2006.
Bank Plus September 2000 - August 2004.
Disaster Recovery, Microsoft SQL Server, System Administration, IIS, Active Directory, Banking, Risk Management, Windows Server, VMware, Virtualization, Business Process, Business Continuity, Project Management, Problem Solving, Oracle SQL, SQL, Servers, Troubleshooting, Microsoft Exchange, IT Management, Business Analysis, VMware ESX, Integration, IT Service Management, Software Project. Databases.
Monika Adam.
HR country & Factory Representative at Tetra Pak.
Packaging and Containers.
Translator in French, French Studies.
Tetra Pak February 2018 - Present.
Tetra Pak March 2018 - Present.
Tetra Pak August 2018 - Present.
Tetra Pak January 2018 - Present.
Tetra Pak June 2008 - Present.
ESSCA November 2003 - June 2008.
Invitel March 1998 - June 2000.
Neumann International August 1993 - February 1996.
Transport Graveleau January 1991 - October 1991.
Universtiy of Economics 1985 - 1989.
English, French, Sourcing, Organizational. Talent Management, Food, Recruiting, Interviews, HR Policies, Employee Engagement, Employee Relations, Payroll, Organizational Design, HR Consulting, Performance Management, Human Resources, Performance Appraisal.
Sandor Szekeres.
CEO at allasportal.
Corvinus University of Budapest 2006 — 2018.
psychology, special education.
allasportal September 2018 - Present.
tars. am June 2018 - Present.
magyarkepviselet November 2007 - Present.
Automation, Small Business, Consulting, HR Consulting, Health, IP, Internet, International Sales, Knowledge Management, Lead Generation, Project Management, Negotiation, Nonprofits, New Business Development, Contract Negotiation, Social Networking, Networking, Network Security, Outsourcing, Organization, Office Management, Promotions, Psychotherapy, Research, Relocation, Social Media, Sellers, Strategic Partnerships, Tourism, Virtualization, Video Production, Volunteer Management.
Istvan Maklari.
Master of Sciences.
MasterCard Advisors September 2018 - Present.
Management Consulting, Financial Modeling, Valuation.
Péter Márki-Zay.
Head of Customer Service Center at EDF DÉMÁSZ.
Pazmany Peter Catholic University 2000 — 2005.
PhD, Economic History.
BSc, Electric Engineering.
MSc, International Economy, Technology, Political Science.
EDF DÉMÁSZ December 2018 - Present.
University of Szeged September 2009 - January 2018.
EDF DÉMÁSZ April 2018 - November 2018.
DÉMÁSZ ZRt. September 2009 - March 2018.
CARQUEST Products Inc. December 2006 - June 2009.
CARQUEST Canada Ltd. September 2004 - December 2006.
Legrand Hungary Ltd. June 2001 - March 2004.
EDF Hungary / Demasz August 1996 - July 2001.
Project Management, Strategic Planning, Team Leadership, New Business Development, Product Management, Product Development, Cross-functional Team. Business Strategy, Change Management, Marketing Strategy, Marketing, Team Building, Team Management, Coaching, Sales, Manufacturing, Pricing, Account Management, CRM, Business Planning, Budgets, Supply Chain Management, B2B, Management Consulting, Sales Management, Marketing Management, Customer Service, Key Account Management, Retail, Purchasing, Automotive, Market Research, Business Development, Leadership, Operations Management, Negotiation, Forecasting, Product Marketing, Program Management, Market Analysis, Strategy, Competitive Analysis, Management, Sales Operations, Analysis, Start-ups, Contract Negotiation, International Business, International Sales.
Márton Horváth.
Technical & Development Director at JCDecaux.
Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem 2009 — 2018.
Master of Science (MSc), Faculty of Business Administration.
Postgraduate, Project Management.
Automotive Engineering, MsC, Mechanical Engineering, MSc classes.
Master of Science (MSc), Mechanical Engineering.
JCDecaux October 2018 - Present.
Knorr-Bremse January 2018 - October 2018.
Knorr-Bremse July 2018 - December 2018.
MOL Magyarország January 2018 - May 2018.
MOL Magyarország March 2008 - December 2009.
Knorr-Bremse September 2006 - February 2008.
Project Management, Supply Chain Management, Renewable Energy, Alternative Fuels, Refining Processes, Air Brakes, Finite Element Analysis, Strategic Planning, Project Engineering, Process Engineering, Petroleum, Management, Mechanical Engineering, Engineering, Business Strategy, Project Planning.
Traveling Winemaker From The Heart of Europe.
Wine and Spirits.
Budapest Corvinus University 2018 — 2018.
Bachelor of Science (BSc), Engineer of Viticulture and Enology.
Delegat's Wine Estate March 2018 - April 2018.
Carneros Hills Winery July 2018 - December 2018.
Poros Winery, Tokaj October 2018 - January 2018.
Winemaking, Late Harvest Wine, Homebrewing, Team Leadership, Sensory Evaluation, Viticulture, Precision Viticulture, Alcoholic Beverages.
Melinda Mucsi.
Currently on maternity leave / junior tax consultant at PMX Consulting Group Tax Advisory Ltd.
Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem.
PMX Consulting Group Tax Advisory Ltd April 2018 - Present.
Michelin February 2018 - September 2018.
IBM October 2006 - October 2008.
Civil Procedure, Debt Management, Legal Translation, Legal Research, Legal Writing, Corporate Law, Tax Law.
Péter Mészáros.
Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem 2018 — 2018.
Master's Degree, Management and Leadership.
Business Administration and Management.
Bachelor's degree, Business and Management.
Bachelor's degree, American Journalism.
T-Systems Hungary Ltd. February 2018 - August 2018.
Ernst & Young March 2018 - February 2018.
AEGEE-Budapest February 2018 - December 2018.
Where Budapest Magazine September 2018 - June 2018.
International Relations, Social Media, Public Relations, Microsoft Office, Event Management, Microsoft Excel, Social Media Marketing, Editing, Financial Analysis, Organizational. German, Multicultural. SAP, Fundraising, Corporate Communications, PowerPoint, Creative Writing, American English, English grammar, Open Minded, Teamwork, Process Focused, Process Efficiency, Critical Thinking, Situational Leadership, Risk Assessment, Enterprise Risk. Risk Analysis, Risk Management, English, Management Control.
Milan Magyar.
PHP Developer at DNXCORP.
Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem 2018 — 2018.
Master of Science (MSc), Business Information Systems.
Bachelor of Science (BSc), Business Information Systems.
DNXCORP January 2018 - Present.
Docler Holding April 2018 - January 2018.
Brozie Kft. August 2018 - March 2018.
DuoDecad Kft. January 2018 - October 2018.
HTML 5, Web Development, jQuery, CSS, PHP, OOP, MySQL, HTML, Scrum, JavaScript, SQL, Subversion, Mobile Applications, JIRA, MVC, Appcelerator, AJAX, Git, Design Patterns, XML, Web Applications, XHTML, MongoDB, High Availability, Linux, Android, UML, Agile Methodologies, Java, HTML5, Symfony Framework, PHPUnit, Github, Dependency Injection, Kohana Framework, Backbone. js, Marionette. js, RequireJS.
Szilvia Molnar.
Corvinus University of Budapest 2006 — 2009.
Undergraduate, Foreign Trade.
POSSIBLE October 2018 - July 2018.
Anheuser-Busch InBev May 2018 - April 2018.
Givaudan December 2018 - April 2018.
Nokia July 2008 - April 2018.
UCMS Group EMEA Limited September 2007 - July 2008.
Philip Morris International August 2006 - September 2007.
IBM July 2003 - July 2006.
Strategic Advisory, Financial Analysis, Planning, Financial Reporting, Controlling, Budgeting, Process Improvement, Business Analysis, Change Management, Project Planning, Budgets, Strategy, Performance Management, Business Strategy, Account Management, Management, Analysis, Business Development, Leadership, Start-ups, Finance, Business Process. Internal Controls, Human Resources, Forecasting.
Timea Molnar.
Marketing Assistant at ABB.
Corvinus University of Budapest 2005 — 2018.
Master, International Studies.
Non Degree Student Program, Roma in Central Europe.
Exchange Student, International Relations.
ABB June 2018 - Present.
Ashoka Innivators for the Public September 2018 - February 2018.
United Nations Development Programme March 2018 - July 2018.
Demnet Foundation November 2018 - January 2018.
St Gallen Symposium 2018 - 2018.
Research Leader - Bela Janky, Research No.: K 76223 supported by OTKA June 2018 - October 2018.
Association for Diplomacy in Practice January 2009 - March 2018.
Human Development, International Relations, International. Policy Analysis, NGOs, Diplomacy, Foreign Policy, Social Entrepreneurship, Capacity Building, Political Science, Politics, Public Policy, Civil Society, European Union, Human Rights, Qualitative Research, Economics, Intercultural. Community Development, Research, Corporate Social. Management, Marketing Communications, Marketing, French, Analysis, Public Relations, Corporate Communications, Project Management, Leadership, Strategic Communications.
Monika Grosz.
Head of Sales at Xentury Ltd.
Marketing e publicidade.
Corvinus University of Budapest.
Master's Degree, Corporate Finance.
Start-ups, Online Advertising, Entrepreneurship, Sales, Online Marketing, Tourism, Marketing Strategy, Hotels, Social Media Marketing, Lead Generation, Digital Marketing, E-commerce, Business Strategy, Strategic Planning, New Business Development, Marketing, Business Development, Social Media, Email Marketing, Marketing Communications, Advertising, Sales Management, Public Relations, Event Management, Direct Marketing, Market Research, Account Management, Brand Management, Salesforce, Negotiation, Management, Integrated Marketing, Product Launch, Project Management, Digital Strategy, SEM, Leadership, Google Analytics, Affiliate Marketing.
Szilvia Mészáros.
Campaign manager at Origo Zrt.
Marketing e publicidade.
Budapesti Gazdasági Főiskola 2009 — 2018.
Bachelor of Arts (B. A.), International Management and Business, specialized in Marketing communication.
Master of Arts (M. A.), Communication and Media Studies, specialized in Communication planning.
Bachelor of Arts (B. A.), communication and media, specialized in PR.
Origo Zrt. December 2018 - Present.
Magyar Telekom August 2018 - December 2018.
Szimo Gold Kft. January 2007 - January 2018.
Comprad Communications June 2009 - September 2009.
Marquard Média Magyarország Kft. June 2008 - September 2008.
Public Relations, Advertising, Creative Writing, Creative Strategy, Project Planning, Event Planning, Marketing Communications, English, Digital Media, Online Advertising, Social Media Marketing, Event Management, Press Releases, Facebook, Social Media, Microsoft Office, Journalism, Project Management.
Albert Nagy.
Consultant as independent enterpreneur.
Corvinus University of Budapest 1990 — 1992.
M. Sc. Econ., Marketing.
Engineer-Economist, Faculty of Industry.
M Sc EE, Broadcasting.
Engineer, Microwave and Broadcasting.
Mathematics and Physics.
Independent enterpreneur March 2018 - Present.
Supervisory Board of Antenna Hungaria 2008 - September 2018.
Antenna Hungaria January 2006 - March 2018.
Antenna Hungaria January 2002 - December 2005.
Antenna Hungaria April 2000 - December 2001.
Antenna Hungaria March 1999 - March 2000.
Antenna Hungaria November 1996 - February 1999.
Antenna Hungaria January 1997 - March 1997.
Antenna Hungaria January 1995 - October 1996.
Antenna Hungaria May 1993 - December 1994.
Telecommunications, Management Consulting, Business Planning, Business Strategy, GSM, Team Management, Product Management, Strategy, Mergers & Acquisitions, Contract Negotiation, Team Leadership, Project Management, Business Analysis, Outsourcing, Business Process.
Dénes Nagy.
Controlling Intern bei TSystems.
M. Sc. Administração de Empresas.
M. Sc. Management and Leadership.
BA in International Economics, International Management and Business.
Exchange Semester, International Business Administration.
T-Systems / IT Services Hungary May 2018 - March 2018.
Capitol Consulting Group Ltd. November 2018 - April 2018.
DB Schenker Rail Deutschland AG May 2018 - August 2018.
DEKRA September 2018 - November 2018.
Business Strategy, Business Analysis, Controlling, Management Control. IBM SPSS Statistics, Strategic Financial. Corporate Finance, Market Research, Working knowledge in SAP, Microsoft Excel, Data Analysis, Discounted Cash Flow. Bloomberg-Terminal, Problem Solving, Accounting Reports, PowerPoint, Macroeconomic Analysis.
Katalin Nagy.
Founding Partner at Neo Interactive Kft.
Marketing e publicidade.
Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem.
Neo Interactive Kft 2002 - Present.
Mariann Nagy.
Marketing at Agria Park Shopping Center.
Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem 2018 — 2018.
Bachelor's degree, Trade and Marketing.
Master's degree, Communication and Media Studies, Community and Public Communication, Excellent.
Bachelor's degree, Communication and Media Studies, Public Relations, Excellent.
Agria Park Shopping Center July 2018 - Present.
Svábhegyi Gyógyintézet September 2018 - October 2018.
Polgári Bank November 2018 - September 2018.
mediakapu. hu September 2018 - July 2018.
Pázmány Péter Catholic University Institute of Communications January 2009 - July 2009.
Picasso Media July 2008 - December 2008.
Marketing Strategy, Social Media, Financial Communications, Marketing Communications, Business Communications, Public Relations, Strategic Communications, Internal Communications, Media Relations, Event Management, Marketing.
Zsófi Nagy.
Junior Brand Manager at Forest & Ray Ltd.
Marketing e publicidade.
CEMS Master’s in International Management.
Bachelor's Degree, Communication and Media Studies.
Bachelor's Degree, Business Administration and Management, General.
Management and Leadership.
Forest & Ray Ltd. February 2018 - Present.
Color Plus Kft January 2018 - May 2018.
Microsoft Office, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, Social Media, Teamwork, English, Customer Service, Marketing Strategy, Event Management, Facebook.
Nandor Roth.
Senior SAP consultant (FI/CO) /freelancer/
Tecnologia da Informação e Serviços.
Corvinus University of Budapest 1992 — 1997.
Master, Economics, Accounting.
freelancer September 2003 - Present.
Ness Hungary Kft. August 2003 - Present.
Bacardi-Martini 2006 - 2018.
IBM January 2003 - August 2003.
PwC Consulting (former Dynasoft) July 1997 - December 2002.
Zwack Unicum Plc 2001 - 2002.
Dynasoft 1997 - 2000.
Főgáz 1998 - 1999.
SAP R/3, SAP, SD, SAP FI, CO-PA, SAP BW, Materials Management, ABAP, SAP PS, SAP ERP, Integration, SAP Implementation, Cost Accounting, User Exits, IDOC, SAP Netweaver, Data Migration, SAP MM, SAP SD, SAPScript.
Andras Nemeth.
Senior Consultant at MultiContact Consulting.
Master of Science (MSc), Engineering Physics/Applied Physics.
Bachelor of Arts (B. A.), Economics.
MultiContact Consulting May 2018 - Present.
PwC Hungary January 2018 - May 2018.
Clarity Consulting Kft. January 2018 - January 2018.
Vialto Consulting Ltd. February 2008 - January 2018.
Management Consulting, Strategic Planning, Business Strategy, Project Management, Change Management, Business Analysis, Data Analysis, Process Improvement, Business Planning, Team Leadership, Public Procurement, Telecommunications, Business Process, Business Process. IT Strategy, Leadership.
Bernadett Nemeth.
Senior Corporate Market Manager at Invitel.
Corvinus University of Budapest 2004 — 2018.
Master of Science (MSc), Marketing.
Invitel Hungary March 2018 - Present.
Vodafone Hungary February 2018 - March 2018.
Vodafone Hungary April 2018 - February 2018.
Vodafone Hungary October 2018 - April 2018.
Ford Hungary January 2009 - January 2018.
LeasePlan Hungary January 2008 - October 2008.
Product Management, Product Marketing, Marketing, Marketing Strategy, Business Strategy, Competitive Analysis, Sales Management, Sales, Management, Team Management, Telecommunications, CRM, Strategy, Business Planning, Market Research.
Judit Németh.
HRDiversity Consultant at mtd Tanácsadói Közösség.
mtd Consultants Community November 2008 - Present.
Man In Time Consulting February 1999 - July 2018.
GE Energy 2004 - 2005.
Magic Management Consulting 1997 - 1999.
EasyCall Hungary 1995 - 1997.
Talent Management, HR Consulting, Performance Management, Diversity & Inclusion. Technical Recruiting, Employee Relations, Succession Planning, Personnel Management, Employee Engagement, HR Policies, Training, Talent Acquisition, Recruiting, Deferred Compensation, Human Resources, Organizational. Employer Branding, HRIS, Management, Job Descriptions, Executive Search, Leadership Development, HR Transformation, Team Management, Strategic HR, Graduate Recruitment, Sourcing.
Nguyen Ngoc Tu.
SAP Freelancer at eHRM.
Corvinus University of Budapest 2005 — 2018.
MA, International Relations.
MSc, Computer Engineering.
e-HRM July 2018 - Present.
SAP Hungary January 2007 - June 2018.
Budapest University of Technology and Economics January 2006 - July 2006.
ABAP, SAP HR, Data Migration, LSO, SQL, SAP, Analysis, SAP R/3, PHP, Programming, English, Databases, Performance Tuning, Microsoft Office, Integration, SAP CRM, Dialog Programs, ERP.
Noemi Molnar.
Business Services Team Leader specialized for SSC / BPO sector.
Staffing and Recruiting.
Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem 2018 — 2018.
Master, European and International Public Administration.
TOEFL, Business English.
Bachelor, Public Administration.
Hays May 2018 - Present.
Hays January 2018 - May 2018.
Citi September 2018 - December 2018.
Hays March 2018 - September 2018.
Hays Hungary January 2018 - March 2018.
Hays May 2018 - January 2018.
Hays October 2018 - May 2018.
InterExchange Au Pair Program - New York/USA August 2009 - September 2018.
frissdiplomas. hu February 2006 - October 2009.
Budapest University of Technology and Economics Job Fair, Budapest February 2004 - October 2006.
Outsourcing, Talent Acquisition, Customer Service, Internal Recruitment, RPO, Headhunting, Market Analysis, SSC, Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Assesment Center.
Peter Novak.
CEO at Használtautó Kft.
Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem 1991 — 1996.
Használtautó Kft., Schibsted Classified Media April 2018 - Present.
IAB Hungary 2008 - Present.
FUSO Ecosystem Plc. October 2018 - October 2018.
RCKO. FM May 2018 - March 2018.
Origo Zrt. March 2018 - March 2018.
kirowski May 2006 - March 2018.
kirowski April 2003 - May 2006.
kirowski August 2000 - March 2003.
MatávNet June 1999 - July 2000.
Matáv February 1997 - June 1999.
Digital Strategy, Digital Media, Online Advertising, Digital Marketing, Mobile Marketing, Online Marketing, New Media, Interactive Marketing, Social Networking, Mobile Advertising, Social Media Marketing, Web Analytics, Blogging, Marketing Strategy, Public Speaking, E-commerce, Media Buying, PPC, Start-ups, Media Planning, Advertising, Mobile Devices, SEM, Marketing Communications, Social Media, SEO, Web Project Management, Lead Generation, Content Strategy, Google Adwords, Google Analytics, Marketing, Marketing Management, Web Marketing, Integrated Marketing, Email Marketing, Affiliate Marketing.
Attila Nyari.
Middle Manager of IT at Studium Generale.
Corvinus University of Budapest 2018 — 2017.
Business Information Technology.
Studium Generale September 2018 - Present.
Onlearn-tech Kft. January 2018 - Present.
Mac, Dreamweaver, Illustrator, Photoshop, After Effects, InDesign, Lightroom, Final Cut Pro, HTML, PHP, html5, Microsoft Office, Social Media, Time Management, English, Public Speaking, Research, Photography.
Istvan Olah.
Senior System Analyst at AXA Bank Hungary.
Corvinus University of Budapest 2003 — 2008.
MSC, Economics, IT.
AXA Bank Hungary 2018 - Present.
Capgemini 2018 - 2018.
KPMG Advisory 2008 - 2018.
Electronic Payments, Banking, Business Analysis, Business Process Design, Business Process. Management Consulting, Mobile Payments, Project Management, VAT, Business Intelligence, IT Audit, Requirements Analysis, Software Project. Business Process, Solution Architecture, Enterprise Architecture, IT Strategy, PMO, IT Management, Integration, Project Delivery, Project Portfolio.
Robert Horvath.
Tecnologia da Informação e Serviços.
Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem 2009 — 2018.
BSc, Business IT.
BSc, Computer Engineering.
Neticle Technologies May 2018 - Present.
Öntevékeny Csoportok Irodája January 2018 - January 2018.
Öntevékeny Csoportok Irodája June 2018 - January 2018.
Yoman & Yoman Produkciós Iroda Kft. March 2006 - January 2018.
Project Management, Program Management, Strategic Planning, Microsoft Office, Public Speaking, HTML, Research, Entrepreneurship, Networking, Team Building, Social Media, Team Leadership, Java, Start-ups, Leadership, SQL, Online Advertising, JavaScript, Web Development, Software Development, Endeca, CSS3, Photoshop, Web Design, Data Mining, Data Science, Facebook API, jQuery, Online Marketing, WordPress, PHP, Facebook Marketing, Joomla, CSS.
Attila Oros.
BMW Group Hungary.
Programme COPERNIC, Paris 1995 — 1996.
Programme Copernic, Businesss Administration.
BMW Group Hungary June 2018 - Present.
Defend Magyarország June 2009 - June 2018.
Citroën Hungary Ltd. April 2005 - November 2008.
Automobiles Citroën, Paris October 2003 - April 2005.
Automobiles Citroën, Paris January 2001 - October 2003.
Citroën Hungary Ltd. January 1998 - December 2000.
Citroën Hungary Ltd. January 1997 - December 1997.
Orsolya Kovács.
Public Administration Scolarship Program at Department for Business, Innovation and Skills.
Corvinus University Budapest 2018 — 2018.
Faculty of International Economy and Business, International Policy Analysis.
Business Administration and Management, Business Communication.
Political Science, Political Communication and Managment, Excellent.
Hungarian Prime Minister's Office March 2018 - January 2018.
Department for Business, Innovation and Skills September 2018 - December 2018.
We Love Action 2018 - 2018.
Republikon Institution April 2018 - November 2018.
Marketing, Grants, Proposal Writing, European Union, Works well in a team, English, Strategic Communications, Public Administration.
Orsolya Szabó.
Procure to Pay Macro Process Lead at AnheuserBusch InBev.
Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem 2018 — 2018.
Master of Business Administration (MBA), Master of Business Administration.
Anheuser-Busch InBev March 2018 - Present.
Anheuser-Busch InBev January 2018 - March 2018.
Anheuser-Busch InBev May 2018 - December 2018.
Anheuser-Busch InBev December 2009 - May 2018.
Anheuser-Busch InBev August 2009 - December 2009.
Procter & Gamble July 2007 - May 2009.
Procurement, Purchasing, Strategic Sourcing, SAP, Logistics, Cost Reduction, Supply Chain Management, FMCG, E-procurement, Supplier Management, Continuous Improvement, E-sourcing, Supply Chain, Contract Management, People Management, Negotiation, SAP R/3, Process Engineering, Process Improvement, Supply Management, Contract Negotiation, Lean Thinking, Lean Transformation, Lean Tools, Six Sigma, Kaizen, Gemba, Balanced Scorecard, Management, eSourcing, Program Management, Supply Chain. Demand Planning, Project Management, Key Performance. Lean Manufacturing, Strategy, Team Management, Outsourcing, ERP, Project Planning.
Pablo Fritz.
Senior Consultant, HR & Business Management.
Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem 1989 — 1994.
Business Relationship. Diversity, Polyglot, HR Consulting, Risk Management, Outsourcing, Mergers, Banking, Human Resources, Financial Services, Business Strategy, Project Management, Strategy, Retail Banking, Mergers & Acquisitions, Business Planning, Loans, Leadership, Management, Finance, Change Management, Marketing, Strategic Planning, Investments, Executive Search, Start-ups, Investment Banking, Organizational. Management Consulting, Portfolio Management, Business Process. Insurance, Financial Risk, Talent Management, Restructuring, Financial Modeling, Team Management, Credit Cards, Emerging Markets, Business Analysis, Business Development, FX Options, Management Audit, Performance Management, Financial Structuring, Trading, Fixed Income, Corporate Finance, Credit Risk, Securities.
Patrícia Krisztina Orbán.
TAC Researcher EMEA at Eaton.
Staffing and Recruiting.
Corvinus University of Budapest 2018 — 2018.
Bachelor's degree, Political Science.
Eaton March 2018 - Present.
The &U Magazine January 2018 - Present.
Hays October 2018 - February 2018.
Hays April 2018 - September 2018.
Corvinus Média October 2018 - January 2018.
Interviews, Recruiting, Training, Sourcing, Human Resources, Social Media, Newspapers, Microsoft Excel, Management Consulting, Organizational. Editing, Negotiation, Sales, Change Management, Screening Resumes, Microsoft Office, Talent Acquisition, Talent Management, CRM, Management.
Peter Buzas.
AGIS Consultant at Avaya.
University of Szeged 2018 — 2018.
Engineering Information Technology, BSc, Computer and Information Sciences, General.
Master of International Relations and Economics, EU.
Avaya February 2018 - Present.
RamCom Ltd. February 2007 - February 2018.
StreamNet Kft. February 2007 - February 2018.
B & G Ltd. September 2006 - February 2007.
RamSec Ltd. September 2005 - September 2006.
Channel, Telecommunications, Product Management, Testing, Customer Service, Budgeting, Troubleshooting, Requirements Analysis, Integration, Pricing, Administration, Microsoft Office, VoIP, Inventory Management, Access, Documentation, Switches, Pre-sales, Hardware, Deployment, IP, Problem Solving, Excel, Mobile, Videoconferencing, UC, Video Conferencing, Unified Communications, Mobile Devices, Microsoft Excel, Budgets, Software Documentation, Cisco Technologies, QoS, Channel Partners, H.323, Telephony, Solution Selling, Cloud Computing, Streaming Media, System Deployment, System Administration, Security, Audio Conferencing, Project Management, Telepresence, Network Design, Unified Messaging, Ethernet.
Peter Csontos.
Managing Director at Bitport. hu.
MÚOSZ Bálint György Újságíró Akadémia 2004 — 2005.
Master of Science (MSc), Communication, Marketing.
Bitport. hu December 2009 - Present.
Computerworld - IDG Hungary Ltd. 2005 - 2009.
Figyelő - Sanoma Budapest 2005 - 2005.
DigitArt - IDG Hungary Ltd. 2003 - 2005.
GameStar - IDG Hungary Ltd. 1999 - 2005.
PC Zed 1998 - 1999.
Journalism, Social Media, Online Advertising, Media Relations, Editing, Online Publishing, Online Journalism, Digital Media, New Media, Event Management, Project Management, Public Relations.
Péter Perger.
Owner, CTO at OpenGastro.
Corvinus University of Budapest 1994 — 1999.
Programming, Information Technology.
OpenGastro January 2018 - Present.
Online Advertising, Marketing Strategy, Online Marketing, Social Media Marketing, Digital Strategy, Digital Marketing, E-commerce, Google Adwords, Digital Media, Google Analytics, Information Technology, Project Management, IT Strategy.
Peter Barany, CMC, LSSMBB.
Operational Excellence Senior Expert, Trainer & Coach at E. ON Inhouse Consulting GmbH.
Budapest Corvinus University 1997 — 2003.
Master of Science (MSc), Business/Managerial Economics, 1st Hons.
Coach, Business, Life and Executive coaching.
Bachelor of Science (BSc), IT Engineering, 2:1.
GCSE, Mathematics, 5.
E. ON Inhouse Consulting GmbH April 2018 - Present.
Projektverzum Kft. April 2018 - Present.
International Business School - The University of Buckingham May 2009 - Present.
Barkawi Management Consultants February 2018 - September 2018.
Groupe Proaction April 2018 - August 2018.
Generali-Providencia April 2018 - May 2018.
Avis Budget Group EMEA May 2018 - March 2018.
OGYS Consulting March 2009 - April 2018.
Accenture December 2007 - January 2009.
Kolaja & Partners June 2006 - November 2007.
Processo de negócio. Project Management, Six Sigma, Management Consulting, Process Improvement, Performance Improvement, Management, Coaching, Lean Manufacturing, Team Management, Operational Excellence, Problem Solving, Analysis, Performance Management, Continuous Improvement, Training, Strategy, Leadership, Interim Management, Executive Coaching.
Peter Lengyel.
Financial Coordinator at Belgravia Wealth Management.
Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem 2018 — 2018.
Bachelor of Political Sciences.
4DSee Technology October 2018 - Present.
Belgravia Wealth Management June 2018 - August 2018.
Finance, Investments, Microsoft Office, Teamwork, Microsoft Excel, PowerPoint, Microsoft Word, Project Management, Economics, Research, Marketing Strategy, Political Science.
Péter Forró.
Managing director at Kvalix Automatika Kft.
M. Sc., Electrical Engineering.
Bachelor of Science (BSc), Economics.
Kvalix Automatika Kft. 1990 - Present.
Automation, Product Marketing, Product Management, Sales Management, Marketing Strategy, Sensors, International Sales.
Peter Garay.
Msc Student at Corvinus University of Budapest.
Exchange Semester, International Business.
Master of Science (MSc), Management and Leadership.
Bachelor's degree, Management and Business Administration, 5.
Kelly Financial Resources July 2018 - January 2018.
Antall József Tudásközpont January 2018 - June 2018.
MKT Corvinus December 2018 - June 2018.
Human Resources, Management, English, Interviews, Strategy, Marketing, Strategic Planning, Communication, Leadership, Public Relations.
Péter Ignácz.
Group Strategy and Business Development (M&A) Analyst.
CEMS 2018 — 2018.
Master's in International Management.
Level III CFA Candidate.
Master of Science (MSc)
Bachelor of Arts (BA)
MOL Group September 2018 - Present.
MOL Group August 2018 - August 2018.
ING Bank N. V. Hungary Branch June 2018 - February 2018.
Microsoft Office, Microsoft Excel, Visual Basic, Microsoft Word, Driving License, Spanish-speaking, English, Hungarian, Outlook Express, Modeling, Financial Modeling, Financial Analysis, Bloomberg, Eviews, Banking, Derivatives, Economics, Financial Markets, Macroeconomics, Valuation, Corporate Finance, Finance, Data Analysis, Strategy.
Péter Jelen.
Student at Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem.
Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem 2018 — 2018.
T-Systems Hungary Ltd. August 2018 - Present.
AIESEC July 2018 - February 2018.
Teamwork, Microsoft Office, English, PowerPoint, Microsoft Excel, Event Management, Microsoft Word, Team Leadership, Team Management, Research, Project Management, Event Planning, Social Media, Photoshop, Market Research, Strategic Planning, Public Relations.
Péter Kormos.
Energy Supply and Risk Management at ENI Tigáz.
Corvinus University of Budapest 2018 — 2018.
Postgraduate Diploma in Energy Management, very good.
Faculty of Economics, Economist.
Eni Tigáz September 2018 - Present.
E. ON September 2008 - August 2018.
Metro International February 2006 - September 2008.
Duna House Ltd, FUN Entertaining Centre Ltd. May 2005 - December 2005.
Project Management, Business Strategy, Market Analysis, Business Planning, Financial Controlling, Teamwork, Business Development, Best Practices, Creative Solutions, Energy, Marketing, Logistics, Forecasting, Analysis, Strategy, Change Management, Time Management, Management, Procurement.
Péter Oláh.
Portfolio Optimization Analyst at MET International.
CEMS 2018 — 2018.
MSc in International Management.
Master's degree, Finance (Investment Analyst spec.) & CEMS MIM: Master's in International Management.
Master's degree, CEMS MIM: Master's in International Management.
Bachelor's degree, Finance and Accounting (Accounting spec.)
MET Power Hungary May 2018 - July 2018.
MKB Bank July 2018 - April 2018.
CEMS Club Budapest January 2018 - December 2018.
KPMG February 2018 - June 2018.
BDO September 2018 - January 2018.
Corvinus University of Budapest September 2009 - June 2018.
Teaching, Business Planning, Strategic Planning, Teamwork, Financial Reporting, Business Strategy, PowerPoint, Entrepreneurship, Financial Analysis, Valuation, Economics, Corporate Finance, Financial Modeling, Market Research, Analysis, Strategy, Leadership, English, Business Analysis, Public Relations, German, Microsoft Office, Microsoft Excel, Management Consulting, Marketing Strategy, Bloomberg, SPSS, Business Valuation.
Peter Szelei.
Business Planning OEM Relationships at NNG LLC.
Tecnologia da Informação e Serviços.
Corvinus University of Budapest 2005 — 2018.
Master, Management and Leadership.
Master, Management, Entrepreneurship.
NNG LLC March 2018 - Present.
Hewlett-Packard September 2018 - February 2018.
Hewlett-Packard March 2018 - September 2018.
IFUA Horváth&Partners September 2018 - March 2018.
Erste Bank Hungary Nyrt. June 2009 - August 2009.
AEGEE-Budapest September 2008 - February 2009.
AEGEE-Budapest February 2008 - September 2008.
Business Analysis, Business Planning, Business Strategy, Market Analysis, Change Management, Project Coordination, Quota Setting, CRM, Financial Forecasting, Management Consulting, Information Technology, Computer Hardware, Strategy, Leadership.
Peter Varhelyi.
SAP MM/SD/LE Consultant.
Tecnologia da Informação e Serviços.
Corvinus University of Budapest 1996 — 2001.
Mars March 2018 - Present.
LUPUS Consulting September 2018 - February 2018.
Nemak December 2018 - June 2018.
CG Electric Systems Hungary Zrt August 2018 - September 2018.
Bunge November 2018 - April 2018.
ExxonMobil July 2009 - October 2018.
ModusLink September 2007 - August 2008.
MOL February 2007 - May 2007.
Danone April 2006 - January 2007.
GySEV August 2005 - April 2006.
AFS, IS-Oil, SAP R/3, SAP ERP, SAP MM, SAP Implementation, Materials Management, MRP, ABAP, SAP Netweaver, SAP, SAP SD, SAPScript, SAP LE, GTM, Training Delivery, IDOC, EDI, ALE, SAP Workflow, User Exits, Data Migration, Purchasing, Inventory Management, Invoice Verification, SAP Logistics Execution, SAP Sales & Distribution, Shipping, Transportation Planning, Master Data, IDoc, Business Process, ERP, Integration, SD.
Peter Veres.
Senior Project Engineer at NNG LLC.
Tecnologia da Informação e Serviços.
Corvinus University of Budapest 2007 — 2018.
BSc, Economy and Management.
NNG LLC March 2018 - Present.
ShiwaForce Inc. April 2009 - March 2018.
Citibank March 2008 - March 2009.
Citibank November 2005 - March 2008.
Leadership, Agile Methodologies, Testing, Scrum, Product Management, Software Project.
Péter Marton.
Corvinus University of Budapest 2005 — 2008.
One semester w/ an Erasmus scholarship.
International Human Rights course, Pristina Summer University, organised by the ATA (NL)
Corvinus University of Budapest September 2008 - Present.
Corvinus Society for Foreign Affairs and Culture September 2008 - Present.
Corvinus University of Budapest and HUNIDA May 2018 - May 2018.
Corvinus Society for Foreign Affairs and Culture (with NATO) January 2009 - December 2018.
Rajk László College of Advanced Studies February 2009 - June 2009.
Corvinus University of Budapest and HUNIDA May 2009 - May 2009.
International Relations Doctoral School, Corvinus University of Budapest September 2008 - January 2009.
Hungarian Institute of International Affairs September 2007 - June 2008.
Teleki László Institute, Center for Foreign Policy Studies September 2005 - June 2006.
International Relations Doctoral School, Corvinus University of Budapest March 2006 - April 2006.
Research, Teaching, International Relations, Policy, Writing, Analysis.
Peter Racz.
Lead UX Designer at Isobar Budapest.
Corvinus University of Budapest 2001 — 2006.
kirowski Isobar May 2018 - Present.
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Hungary May 2018 - June 2018.
TriGranit Management Corporation June 2007 - December 2009.
BruxInfo January 2002 - June 2007.
User Experience, Digital Strategy, Web Project Management, Web Analytics, Information Architecture, Online Marketing, User Interface Design, Mobile Applications, Google Adwords, Digital Marketing, Google Analytics, Web 2.0, Digital Media, Online Advertising, SEO, Interactive Marketing, E-commerce, New Media, Analytics, SEM, Project Management.
Péter Szilágyi.
Project Manager at Ustream, Inc.
Corvinus University of Budapest 2018 — 2018.
BA, Business Admininstration and Management.
LLB, International Law and Politics.
Ustream, Inc. January 2018 - Present.
Ustream, Inc December 2018 - December 2018.
Semcon November 2018 - December 2018.
Open Communications March 2018 - August 2018.
Japanese, Software Quality. Manual Testing, Translation, Localization, English, German, Intercultural. Technical Translation, Multilingual, Blogging, Microsoft Office, JIRA, Software Documentation, Writing, Technical Writing, Testing, Mobile Devices, Confluence, Agile Methodologies, Agile Project Management.
Istvan Radics.
Sales process development associate at Budapest Bank at GE Money.
Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem 2005 — 2008.
Economist, Capital Market, Bsc.
Master of Business Administration (MBA), Business/Managerial Economics, Msc.
Broker, Investments and Securities, Stock Exchange qualification exam.
Bank administrator / Investment product seller, Banking and Financial Services, certification.
GE Capital January 2018 - Present.
GE Capital February 2008 - December 2018.
Banking, Credit, Financial Analysis, Retail Banking, Finance, Corporate Finance, Sales, Sales Process.
Péter Radó.
Sales Representative at Signal.
Budapesti Gazdasági Főiskola 2018 — 2018.
Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA), Team business.
Financial assistant, Accounting and Finance.
Signal February 2018 - September 2018.
Allround September 2018 - February 2018.
Europ Assistance Hungary July 2018 - April 2018.
Rebelegance December 2018 - September 2018.
Wonderduck Agency September 2018 - December 2018.
Microsoft Office, Team Leadership, Teamwork, Customer Service, Project Planning, Training, Social Media, Marketing Strategy, Negotiation, Microsoft Excel, Sales Management.
István Rákász.
COO, Lead Project Manager at Outlast Web & Mobile Development.
Corvinus University of Budapest 2001 — 2007.
Master's Degree, International Relationships, World Economy, EU.
Outlast Web & Mobile Development August 2018 - Present.
SajtóMűvek (PressWorks) January 2018 - Present.
Ticketportal August 2006 - August 2018.
GoProduction January 2009 - December 2018.
zajlik. hu July 2002 - December 2018.
Negative Art Prod. June 2005 - June 2018.
Project Management, Strategic Thinking, Management, Online Marketing, HTML, CMS, Facebook, Journalism, Ticketing, Social Media Marketing, Microsoft Office, Copywriting, Editing, Social Media, Media Relations, Windows, Online Journalism, E-commerce, Remote Support, Android, Ticket Sales, Technical Support, Desktop Support, Mac.
Reka Budai.
Consumer & Market Knowledge Central Europe Retail & Market Insights at Procter & Gamble.
CEMS Master in Management.
Master in Corporate Finance and CEMS Master in Management.
BA Corporate Finance.
Procter & Gamble September 2018 - Present.
Reka Veres.
Marketing e publicidade.
Communication and Media Studies.
Bachelor of Applied Science (BASc), Marketing/Marketing Management, General, 4.
Generali Biztosító June 2018 - Present.
Generali Biztosító Zrt. February 2018 - Present.
Salesgroup Kft. September 2018 - January 2018.
Cluso June 2018 - May 2018.
Google Analytics, Google Webmaster Tools, Facebook Fan Page. Custom Facebook Pages, Copywriting, SEO, SEO copywriting, Wordpress, Google Website Optimizer, Adobe Creative Suite, Graphic Designers, Photoshop, InDesign, Illustrator, Photographers, upcycling, Volunteering, Email Marketing, Online Marketing, SEM, Social Media Marketing, Digital Marketing, Google Adwords, Online Advertising, Web Content Management, Facebook, WordPress, Social Media, Advertising, Content Management, Public Relations, Marketing Communications, SEO Copywriting, Upcycling.
Richard Roman.
Managing Director Hungary / Project Manager at Interactive Brokers.
Interactive Brokers November 2004 - Present.
AITIA International Inc. June 2004 - November 2004.
Software Project. Software Development, Agile Methodologies, C++, Software Design, PHP, Negotiation, Design Patterns, Management, Scrum, Conflict Resolution, C, Business Analysis, Unix, IT Management, Requirements Analysis, UML, Project Management, Candidate Assessment, Cost Efficiency, Analysis, Business Requirements, Trading Systems, XML, Web Development, Corporate Actions, HTML, Financial Modeling, Subversion, Eclipse, Software Engineering, Electronic Trading, Telecommunications, Linux, Perl, Java, Team Leadership, Test Driven Development, IT Strategy, Management Consulting, Oracle, SQL, Databases, Java Enterprise Edition, MySQL, Hibernate, , SDLC, Agile, Application Development.
Rita M. Milassin.
Contract Manager at BT Global Services.
Corvinus University of Budapest 2006 — 2008.
BT Global Services February 2018 - Present.
BT Global Services April 2018 - April 2018.
Statoil March 2018 - October 2018.
IBM Global Financing July 2008 - December 2009.
ExxonMobil December 2007 - February 2008.
ExxonMobil August 2007 - November 2007.
Szent István University August 2005 - July 2007.
Net Travel Service Hungary May 2004 - September 2004.
Excel, Sales Support, SAP R/3, Time Management, Invoicing, Endur, SharePoint, Compliance, Training, Negotiation, Microsoft Excel, Project Management.
Robert Nagy.
senior java developer at Lufthansa Systems.
MSc. Economist Programming Mathematician.
Lufthansa Systems March 2018 - Present.
Lufthansa Systems May 2018 - Present.
Lufthansa Systems Hungária September 2018 - January 2018.
Lufthansa Systems November 2006 - March 2018.
Lufthansa Systems April 2008 - February 2009.
Thot-soft August 2005 - September 2006.
Oracle, Java, XML, Sun Certified Java. Java Enterprise Edition, Software Development, JSP, Web Applications, Struts, Maven, Swing, JUnit, Subversion, JavaSE, Git, Atlassian JIRA, Confluence, HP Quality Center, HP QTP.
Robert Fonó.
Frontend web developer.
Tecnologia da Informação e Serviços.
Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem 2018 — 2018.
Bachelor's degree, Human Resources.
Vendas e Marketing.
Applied Photography, Photography.
Digital Studio Photographer, Photography.
Fortune Magyarország Kft. May 2018 - June 2018.
AIESEC July 2018 - May 2018.
AIESEC January 2018 - June 2018.
Var-Typo Kft October 2018 - January 2018.
AIESEC September 2018 - January 2018.
fonofoto. hu 2009 - 2018.
JDC Camp Szarvas June 2008 - 2018.
Advertising, Team Management, Management, Event Management, Photography, Teamwork, Social Media, Project Planning, Project Management, Public Relations, English, Microsoft Office, Photoshop, Social Media Marketing, Team Leadership, Event Planning, Leadership, Marketing, Marketing Communications, Online Advertising, Non-profits, Leadership Development, Account Management, Web Development, Front-end Coding, Back-end Programming, PHP, JavaScript, CSS3, HTML.
Attila Sarkany.
Quality & Test laboratory resource manager.
Corvinus University of Budapest 2009 — 2018.
EMBA, Business administration.
Engineer, Mechanics. Machine tools.
Bourns June 2007 - Present.
JCI January 2007 - June 2007.
Philips APM January 2004 - February 2006.
Visteon Hungary Ltd. 2001 - 2003.
Ford Motor Company 1991 - 2001.
PPAP, SPC, APQP, FMEA, Lean Manufacturing, Manufacturing, Six Sigma, TS16949, Business Process. Computer Aided Quality. Fabricação. Fabricação. Value Stream Mapping, Supplier Quality, Testing, Automotive, Kaizen, Quality System, Supply Chain Management, Injection Molding, Engineering, DMAIC.
László Horváth.
Sales Director, Sales Excellence Advisor.
Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem 1985 — 1990.
Master's degree, Economics.
Business Sales School March 2007 - Present.
Parancsnoki Épület Projekt January 2018 - Present.
Flor Kft. January 2018 - December 2018.
Synergon System Integrator January 1997 - March 2007.
Infoburotel January 1996 - December 1996.
Sales Management, IT Service Management, Business Strategy, Account Management, CRM, Sales Motivation, Business Development, Management, Telecommunications, Project Management, Business Process. Cloud Computing, Pre-sales, Outsourcing, Sales, Solution Selling, Strategy, Start-ups, Management Consulting.
Amir Shawky.
Service Delivery Analyst UK IE at Citibank.
Corvinus University of Budapest 2008 — 2018.
Master’s Degree, Business Administration, Very Good.
Bachelor’s Degree, Hotels Managment, Good.
Citi September 2018 - Present.
Citi September 2018 - August 2018.
Citi June 2018 - August 2018.
Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts September 2003 - February 2018.
Sol Melia June 1998 - August 2003.
Front Office, Hotels, Hospitality Management, Revenue Analysis, Hospitality, Hotel Management, Resorts, Hospitality Industry, Food & Beverage, Pre-opening, Budgets, Forecasting, Tourism, Customer Service, Operations Management, Income Statement, Team Building, Team Leadership, Microsoft Office, Strategic Planning, Customer Satisfaction, Hiring, Management, P, Pricing, Property Management. Time Management, Training.
Maria Ujvari.
at Marketing Consultant and Website Designer.
Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem 1989 — 1994.
final exam (érettségi), angol spec.
sikermarketing. hu June 2004 - Present.
sikermarketing. hu June 2004 - Present.
Colgate Palmolive January 2000 - April 2003.
Bestfoods, Inc. June 1998 - January 2000.
British American Tobacco October 1997 - December 1997.
SEO, Social Media Marketing, SMO, Web Marketing, Organic Search, Marketing Research, Web Design, Marketing Strategy, Content Strategy, Content Development, SEO copywriting, Blogger, Online Advertising, Keyword Research, Business Journalism, SEM, Email Marketing, PPC, Digital Photography, Web Analytics, Google Analytics, E-commerce, Conversion Optimization, Digital Marketing, Marketing Copy, Web Project Management, Link Building, Blog Marketing, Viral Marketing, Online Reputation. Brand Management, Google Adwords, Content Marketing, Google Webmaster Tools, Management, Marketing, New Business Development, Marketing Communications, Business Strategy, Social Media, Brand Development, Marketing Management, Online Marketing.
Erika Simon.
Woman Entrepreneur's Mentor.
Simeron Consulting May 2008 - Present.
Örömteli Életért Alapítvány 2005 - Present.
Central Office For Administrative and Electronic Public Services November 2018 - December 2018.
OGYS Consulting June 2007 - June 2009.
Digital Equipment Corporation, Compaq, Hewlett Packard January 1996 - June 2007.
Management Consulting, Organizational. Executive Coaching, Organizational Design, Change Management, Business Process. Leadership Development, Business Strategy, Management Development, Organizational. Personal Development, Coaching, Business Planning, Program Management, IT Strategy, Process Improvement, Entrepreneurship, Project Management, Outsourcing, Executive Search, Interviews, Management, Career Counseling, Start-ups, Business Transformation, Business Analysis, Business Process. PMO, Career Management, Human Resources, Culture Change, IT Outsourcing, Personnel Management, Strategic Planning, Team Management, IT Service Management, Strategy, Business Coaching, Business Intelligence, Training, Career Development, Team Leadership, Executive Development, Project Portfolio. Leadership, Emotional Intelligence, International Project. Outplacement, IT Management, Consulting.
Simon Nagy.
Student at Corvinus University of Budapest.
Marketing e publicidade.
Corvinus University of Budapest 2018 — 2017.
Bachelor of Arts (BA), Commerce and Marketing.
Camp Ozark May 2018 - August 2018.
Nu Skin Enterprises August 2018 - August 2018.
Cargostar Internationale Forwarding & Logistics Ltd. June 2018 - August 2018.
Marketing, Sales, Social Media, Leadership, Customer Service.
Maria Somogyi.
managing director at angoltrening.
Budapesti Gazdasági Főiskola.
angoltrening September 2018 - Present.
Teaching, Team Building, Coaching, Business, Communication, Project Management, Training, Recruiting, Strategic Planning, Management Consulting, Organizational. Team Leadership, Marketing Management, Customer Service, Management, Public Speaking, Change Management, Leadership Development, Microsoft Office, CRM, Research, Project Planning, Event Management, Team Management, English, Strategy, Program Management, Business Strategy.
Szabolcs Gáborjáni-Szabó.
Founder, Advisor, Angel investor.
Executive course, Management Programme.
CFA, Chartered Financial Analyst.
MSC, Computer Sciences/Mathematics.
T-Systems Iberia July 2018 - June 2018.
Slovak Telekom (after merger of Slovak Telekom and T-Mobile Slovensko) July 2018 - April 2018.
Deutsche Telekom 2018 - April 2018.
Slovak Telekom, a. s. 2005 - April 2018.
Slovak Telekom April 2005 - July 2018.
Axelero (online/internet company of Magyar Telekom) April 2000 - April 2005.
Magyar Telekom 2001 - 2005.
Magyar Telekom 1999 - 2001.
Magyar Telekom 1998 - 1999.
Magyar Telekom 1996 - 1998.
Business Strategy, Telecommunications, Restructuring, Mergers, Outsourcing, Business Planning, Management Consulting, Negotiation, Finance, Start-ups, Project Finance, Corporate Finance, Strategy, Integration, Business Development, Team Management, Business Transformation, Mergers & Acquisitions, Change Management, Managerial Finance, Management, Risk Management, Business Analysis, Business Process. Business Process, Forecasting, Analysis, ERP.
Szabolcs Horvath.
Budapest Corvinus University 1995 — 1997.
MBA (Hons), Finace and Corporate Evaluation.
Bsc, General economics and management.
Secondary school, Biology.
TARIFA24 July 2018 - September 2018.
Deezer November 2018 - June 2018.
Freelance contractor July 2018 - October 2018.
EMG (Est Media Group) January 2009 - June 2018.
eMusic Kft. February 2006 - June 2018.
Digitania Inc May 2004 - January 2006.
Euroweb July 2001 - April 2004.
econet Nyrt. June 2000 - May 2001.
Procent Investment Ltd. January 1999 - June 2000.
ratiopharm August 1997 - December 1998.
Mobile Devices, E-commerce, Telecommunications, Mobile Applications, Mobile Content, Digital Media, Product Development, Digital Strategy, Mobile Internet, Business Development, Entrepreneurship, Product Management, Mobile Technology, New Business Development, Business Strategy, Integrated Marketing, Mobile Marketing, Strategic Partnerships, Content Management, Digital Marketing, Online Marketing, Mobile Music, Content Strategy, Business Intelligence, Web Development, Mobile Advertising, Digital Music, Web Project Management, Digital Business, Interactive. Digital Entertainment, Mobile Entertainment, SEO, Web Analytics, Location Intelligence, Location Based Services, New Technology. International Product. Consumer Internet, Online Advertising, Music Distribution, Affiliate Programs, Voice Services, Web Strategy, Interactive Development, Product Strategy, PMP, Spotfire, Online Travel, Travel Management.
Szabolcs Timar.
Head of ICT Research & CEO at GKI Digital Research & Consulting Ltd.
Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem 1999 — 2004.
Master of Science (MS), Economics.
GKI Digital Research & Consulting Ltd. December 2018 - Present.
GKI Economic Research Co. July 2018 - Present.
eNET Internet research & consulting LTD. (previously known as GKIeNET) August 2018 - April 2018.
GKIeNET Internet research & consulting LTD. January 2018 - July 2018.
GKIeNET Internet research & consulting LTD. January 2009 - December 2018.
GKIeNET Internet research & consulting LTD. January 2007 - December 2008.
GKIeNET Internet research & consulting LTD. January 2006 - December 2006.
GKIeNET Internet research & consulting LTD. August 2004 - December 2005.
GKI Economic Research Co. September 2001 - July 2004.
E-commerce, Telecommunications, ICT, Market Research, Analysis, Research, Qualitative Research, Quantitative Research, Statistics, Economics, Public Policy, SPSS, Financial Analysis, Entrepreneurship, Economic Research, Business Strategy, Project Management, Mobile Devices, Econometrics, Surveying.
Zoltán Szabó.
Senior Consultant at Detecon International GmbH.
Tecnologia da Informação e Serviços.
Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem 1991 — 1996.
Master's degree, Economics, Informatics, 4.
Detecon International GmbH October 2018 - Present.
Grepton March 2018 - September 2018.
MÁV group August 2018 - January 2018.
Fundamenta March 2018 - April 2018.
Hungarian Telekom October 1996 - December 2018.
IT Operations, IT Service Management, IT Operations Management, Project Management, ITIL, Project Delivery, Operating Systems, Change Management, Problem Management, Problem Analysis, Information Security, Process Improvement, Process Management, Auditing, Security Audits, IT Audit, IT Strategy, Bidding Process, Bid Preparation, IT Outsourcing, Telecommunications, Testing, Business Analysis, Service Delivery, Integration, IT Management, Management.
Dániel László Szász.
Student at Budapest Business School.
Marketing e publicidade.
Budapesti Gazdasági Főiskola 2018 — 2018.
Morpho Communications July 2018 - May 2018.
Facebook, Social Media Marketing, Press Releases, Social Media, Photoshop, Teamwork, Copywriting, Marketing Communications, Public Relations, Event Planning, Event Management, Digital Marketing.
Balazs Szekely.
Ministry of National Development.
Corvinus University of Budapest 2006 — 2009.
Masters of Art, international relations.
university, International Relations & EU Studies.
Erasmus, Social Sciencies.
Ministry of National Development February 2018 - Present.
VÁTI Hungarian Public nonprofit Limited Liability Company for Regional Development and Town Planning November 2009 - February 2018.
Hudson Institute 2008 - 2008.
Getronics 2007 - 2007.
International Relations, Public Policy, Policy Analysis, Foreign Policy, Political Science.
Székely Gábor.
consultant, coach, managing director.
Profiles International August 2007 - Present.
Puzzle International May 2018 - June 2018.
Pension Fund of Richter Gedeon Plc. January 2000 - January 2009.
ÁHF Zrt. March 2005 - August 2007.
Raiffeisen Bank Hungary March 2002 - March 2005.
Inter-Europa Bank March 1999 - March 2002.
K&H Banking Group October 1997 - March 1999.
Performance Management, Coaching, Recruiting, Organizational. Change Management, Talent Management, 360 Feedback, Assessment Center, Executive Coaching, Leadership Development, Competency Management, Leadership, Management, Human Resources, Start-ups, Management Consulting, Employee Training, HR Consulting, Business Strategy, Training, Executive Development, Strategy, Personal Development, Team Building, Management Development, executive assessment, Profiles, Executive Search, Personnel Management, Organizational. Talent Acquisition, Workforce Planning, Career Management, Business Development, Training & Development, Employee Engagement, Career Development, Consulting, Performance Improvement, Job Descriptions, Business Coaching, Hiring, Employee Relations, Sourcing, Succession Planning, Organizational Design, Onboarding, Culture Change, Interviews, Emotional Intelligence.
Klára Szekeres.
Public Relations and Communications.
Corvinus University of Budapest 2018 — 2017.
Communication and Media Studies.
Hungarian/Magyar Language and Literature.
Slovak Language and Literature.
Vodafone January 2018 - April 2018.
DHL October 2018 - December 2018.
Telenor Magyarország April 2018 - August 2018.
Communication, Team Management, Time Management, Dance Instruction, ECDL Certification, Proofreading, Spelling, CRM, Business Planning, Social Networking.
Janos Szendi-Varga.
Chief Architect at Nextent Informatics Co.
Tecnologia da Informação e Serviços.
Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem 2000 — 2003.
Master's Degree, Economics, Engineer of Economics.
Master's Degree, Information Technologies, Engineer in IT.
Mechanical technician and computer expert.
Nextent Informatics Co. April 2018 - Present.
Nextent Informatics Co. March 2004 - April 2018.
Nokia February 2000 - March 2004.
SOA, Scrum, Java, Graph Databases, Neo4j, Technological Innovation, Software Project. Telecommunications, UML, Software Development, Java Enterprise Edition, Agile Methodologies, PL/SQL, Software Design, Databases, Linux, Integration, Test Automation, Design Patterns, Hibernate, Tomcat, Solution Architecture, Oracle, Subversion, Ant, Eclipse, JUnit, Weblogic, Object Oriented Design, Agile Project Management, SQL, Project Management, Mobile Devices, Pre-sales, Testing, Group Leadership, Mobile Application.
Balázs Szilágyi.
Market risk analyst at Raiffeisen Bank.
Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem 2004 — 2018.
Master's degree, Investment analyst & Risk manager.
Raiffeisen Bank May 2018 - Present.
Magyar Posta Eletbiztosito December 2009 - April 2018.
Magyar Posta Biztosito December 2009 - April 2018.
Erste Bank Hungary September 2007 - February 2009.
VBA, Credit Risk, Financial Modeling, Financial Analysis, Risk Management, Management, Data Analysis, Microsoft Excel, Corporate Finance, Banking, Finance, Financial Risk, Valuation, Market Risk, Economics, Investment Banking, Portfolio Management, Credit, Investments, Derivatives, Bloomberg, Financial Markets, PL/SQL.
András Szűcs.
Urban designer/planner at BFVT Kft.
Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem 2004 — 2018.
Master of Science (MSc), Urban Planning & Design.
BFVT Kft. April 2018 - February 2018.
FUT - Fiatal Urbanisták Tagozata November 2009 - November 2018.
Pro Arch Építész Stúdió May 2008 - July 2009.
Urban Design, Urban Planning, Landscape Architecture, Urban, Urbanism, Smart Cities, Photoshop, Landscape Design, AutoCAD, Design Research, Illustrator, Comprehensive Planning, SketchUp, ArchiCAD, Regional Planning, Photography, Urban Regeneration, Sustainable Design, Land Use Planning, Architectural Design, Urban Studies, Site Planning, Sustainability, Strategic Planning, Communication, 3D Modeling, GIS, Streetscape, Parks, Mixed-use, Submittals, Spatial Planning, Rhino, Lighting Design.
Tamas Gyorgy.
Education Coordinator at EngAme.
Master's degree, Political Science and Government.
Bachelor's degree, Sociology.
Darmasiswa scholarship, Indonesian Language and Culture.
EngAme August 2018 - Present.
EngAme December 2018 - August 2018.
YDC Media July 2018 - August 2018.
Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang September 2018 - February 2018.
The CEU Weekly September 2018 - June 2018.
Partners Hungary June 2008 - September 2008.
Social Media, Microsoft Office, Statistical Data. WordPress, SPSS, Marketing Strategy, Travel Blogging, Multi-cultural team. Project Management, Writing, Qualitative Research, Social Promotion, Academic Writing, Research, Web 2.0, Wikis, Publications, Editing, University Teaching, News Writing, Intercultural. Lecturing, Survey Research, Journalism, New Media, Survey Design, Research Design, English, Teaching English as a.
Tamas Pasztor.
owner, VP Marketing at espell translation and localization.
Translation and Localization.
Corvinus University of Budapest 1993 — 2000.
e-spell real estate 2007 - Present.
espell translation and localization November 1999 - Present.
Radio Danubius January 2002 - December 2004.
Tamas Papp.
Tecnologia da Informação e Serviços.
Master of Science (MSc), Economist in International Economy and Business, 4.
2009, Computer Programmer in Economics.
IT Services Hungary Kft. June 2018 - Present.
Sberbank Hungary March 2018 - June 2018.
Allianz Hungária Zrt. September 2009 - March 2018.
PricewaterhouseCoopers January 2009 - June 2009.
Új Calculus 2009 - 2009.
Dorsum January 2008 - October 2008.
Business Intelligence, Business Process, Data Warehousing, Business Analysis, Oracle, Testing, Software Project. Business Requirements, SQL, PL/SQL, User Acceptance Testing, UML, Scrum, Integration, Workflow Applications, Data Modeling, Cognos, DB2, Datastage, Databases.
Tamas Farkas.
Team Lead, IT Service Management, Engagement and Deployment Support.
Tecnologia da Informação e Serviços.
Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem 1995 — 1998.
Postgradual studies, Corporate Economy.
MSC, Electrical Engineering.
IBM DSS January 2018 - Present.
General Motors September 2007 - March 2018.
General Motors February 2002 - August 2007.
General Motors February 2000 - January 2002.
General Motors February 1996 - January 2000.
General Motors February 1993 - January 1996.
IT Management, Project Implementation, PMI, Change Management, Budget Management, System Deployment, Infrastructure Projects, Business Process, Planning, Vendor Management, Deployment, IT Outsourcing, Infrastructure, Project Planning, Budgets, ITIL, Outsourcing, Management, Forecasting, Strategy, Cross-functional Team. Information Technology, IT Service Management, IT Operations, Project Management, Business Analysis, Business Process. IT Strategy, Incident Management, Integration, PMP, CRM, Service Delivery, Requirements Analysis, Service Management, Project Portfolio. Process Improvement, Team Management, Software Project. Program Management, Team Leadership, PMO, Automotive, Business Planning.
Tibor Bakos.
Vulnerability Assessment Service Analyst at Citi.
Tecnologia da Informação e Serviços.
Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem 2008 — 2018.
BSC, Business Information Systems.
Citi October 2018 - Present.
Vodafone October 2018 - November 2018.
Vodafone March 2018 - October 2018.
Volksbank Hungary March 2018 - March 2018.
Volksbank Hungary March 2009 - March 2018.
Volksbank Hungary December 2008 - March 2009.
Richter Gedeon Plc. October 2008 - December 2008.
Farad Kft. September 2006 - December 2007.
Information Security, Firewalls, User Administration, IT Security Operations, Active Directory, McAfee, Checkpoint, IT Operations, Antivirus, ITIL, Vulnerability Management, Security, Information Security. Symantec Endpoint. PKI, Endpoint Security, SIEM, PCI DSS.
Tibor Fekete.
Partner at the Cloudbreaker Company.
Tecnologia da Informação e Serviços.
Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem.
Bachelor of Science (BSc), Actuary.
the Cloudbreaker Company 2018 - Present.
azd. security Kft. December 2018 - Present.
jMind Services Kft. 2006 - December 2018.
Formula/400 Ltd. 2004 - 2006.
Business Analysis, Change Management, Risk Management, Project Management, Management Consulting, Strategic Planning, Business Strategy, Integration, IT Strategy, Team Leadership, Team Management, SQL, Business Intelligence, Project Planning, Process Improvement, Software Project. Processo de negócio. SDLC, Information Security. Requirements Analysis, Software Development, Security, Analysis, Security Audits, Systems Analysis, Identity Management, IT Operations, Penetration Testing, Information Security, Vulnerability Assessment, Information Technology, Computer Security, Governance, IT Management, ISO 27001, IT Service Management.
Tibor Hegyi.
Atlassian Expert and Enthusiast at METAINF.
Budapesti Gazdasági Főiskola 1996 — 2000.
BSc, Finance, management.
MSc, Computer Science.
META-INF Kft. April 2005 - Present.
p92 IT Solutions Kft May 2018 - July 2018.
p92 IT Solutions Kft August 2018 - March 2018.
p92 IT Solutions Kft September 2018 - July 2018.
p92 IT Solutions Kft February 2018 - August 2018.
Arvato Systems Hungary / p92 IT Solutions Kft 2005 - 2018.
Sony Music Entertainment 2003 - 2004.
Sony Music Entertainment 2001 - 2002.
Montana 2000 - 2001.
Unitis Rt August 1996 - March 2000.
Scrum, Product Development, Java, Java Enterprise Edition, Java Enterprise. Agile Project Management, Knowledge Sharing, Atlassian JIRA, Atlassian Confluence, Agile Software Tools, Software Project. Agile Methodologies, Spring, Mobile Devices, SQL, Enterprise Software, Android, JIRA, JUnit, Confluence, Software Development, Software Design, Web Development, Subversion, Maven.
Tamas Kadar.
Corvinus University of Budapest 2018 — 2018.
Bachelor of Science (BSc), ICT Business Analyst.
SEON Security May 2018 - Present.
ENTEOS GmbH August 2018 - Present.
Sole Trader May 2018 - August 2018.
Network Security, Management, Network penetration, Vulnerability Assessment, Ethical Hacking, C#, HTML, PHP, SQL, Cloud Computing, SAP, Amazon Web Services.
Arpad Torok.
Senior Business Analyst at IT Services Hungary Kft.
iseb 2018 — 2018.
-, Certified Pulic Accountant.
Master's degree, International Relations and Affairs, D.
Master's degree, Mathematics and Computer Science, B.
Bachelor of Applied Science (B. A.Sc.), Mathematics and Computer Science, B.
IT Services Hungary Kft. May 2018 - Present.
MKB Bank September 2008 - 2018.
FHB Bank June 2005 - August 2008.
Bank of China January 2002 - June 2005.
HVB Bank September 1998 - December 2002.
Erste Bank January 1996 - September 1998.
Foreign Languages, Change Management, Management, Project Management, Strategic Planning, Team Leadership, Microsoft Office, Business Analysis, Project Planning, Program Management, English, Coaching, Business Strategy, Team Building, Process Improvement, Negotiation, Banking, IT Operations, IT Service Management, System Administration, IT Strategy, ITIL, Project Portfolio. Software Project. IT Management.
Project Manager at Melkweg Digital.
Public Relations and Communications.
Budapest Business School 2008 — 2018.
Bachelor of Science (BSc), Communication and Media Science, PR.
Melkweg Digital September 2018 - Present.
McCann Erickson August 2018 - August 2018.
Brightly HU May 2018 - August 2018.
Karmamedia September 2018 - May 2018.
Karmamedia October 2018 - August 2018.
Sonntag Media Cultural PR and Communications Agency December 2018 - September 2018.
Crisis Communications, Copywriting, Public Relations, Strategic Communications, Social Media.
Enikő Tóth.
Marketing e publicidade.
Budapesti Gazdasági Főiskola 2009 — 2018.
ampm marketing September 2018 - January 2018.
Hotel Galtenberg December 2018 - April 2018.
Hervis Sport - und Modegesellschaft m. b.H October 2009 - October 2018.
Hervis Sport - und Modegesellschaft m. b.H August 2008 - October 2009.
Arcus Interactive Group February 2008 - May 2008.
Sales Management, Retail Marketing, Campaign Plans, International Marketing, Direct Marketing, Marketing. Marketing Communications, Email Marketing, CRM, Media Planning, Sports Marketing, SAP BW, Microsoft Office, Advertising, Teamwork, Problem Solving, Organization, Logical Thinker, Open-mindedness, Reliability, Social Media, Retail, Market Research, Integrated Marketing.
Ferenc Tóth.
Marketing and Event Manager at Puskás Ferenc Labdarúgó Akadémia.
Kürt Akadémia 2018 — 2018.
Network Studies and Online Communication.
Bachelor of Arts (BA), Comminication and Media Science.
Digitális Tudás Akadémia September 2018 - Present.
Puskás Ferenc Labdarúgó Akadémia March 2018 - Present.
DIGI Kft. - DIGI Sport 2018 - March 2018.
DIGI June 2018 - 2018.
T-Mobile September 2007 - June 2018.
Social Media, Broadcast, Social Networking, Telecommunications, Online Marketing, Media Relations, Journalism, Product Marketing, Marketing Strategy, Marketing, Managment, Mobile Devices, Project Management, B2C marketing, B2B, Public Relations, CRM, Strategic Partnerships, Video, Video Production, Account Management, Direct Sales, Sales, Television, Video Editing, Start-ups, Management.
Hajnalka Toth.
News anchor/Editor at Media Service Support and Asset Management Fund (MTVA)
Tecnologia da Informação e Serviços.
Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem 2018 — 2018.
Media Service Support and Asset Management Fund (MTVA) January 2018 - Present.
Unisys February 2018 - February 2018.
Miniszterelnökség / Ministry of presidency April 2018 - September 2018.
Corvinus University of Budapest September 2018 - May 2018.
Service Desk, ITIL, BMC Remedy, Windows 7, Windows XP, Troubleshooting, XP, Scout Squad Leading, Microsoft Office, Scouting, Microsoft Word, Windows, Teamwork, Microsoft Excel.
Máté Károly Tóth.
Marketing Assistant at Accace.
Corvinus University of Budapest 2018 — 2018.
Bachelor of Arts (BA), International Relations and Affairs.
National Qualifications Register, Sound Engineering.
Diploma do ensino médio.
Accace June 2018 - Present.
Netherlands-Hungarian Chamber of Commerce September 2018 - December 2018.
Aumex / Medimpo November 2018 - April 2018.
FotoKem/Budapest March 2018 - September 2018.
Aumex Pharmacy January 2018 - August 2018.
International Relations, PowerPoint, English, Management, Event Planning, Teamwork, Microsoft Office, Procurement, Negotiation, Research, Public Relations, Customer Service, Pro Tools, Sony Vegas, Microsoft Word.
Valentin Varga.
HBO at Wayne Enterprises.
Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem 2009 — 2018.
Marketing/Marketing Management, General.
Bachelor's Degree, Psychology, Suspended.
Social Media, Business Strategy, Teamwork, Microsoft Office, Microsoft Excel, Market Research, Open Innovation, English, Project Management, Marketing Strategy, Online Marketing, Facebook, Triathlon, Photography, Photoshop, Video Editing, Skiing, Wakeboarding.
David Varga.
startuplarge corporate B2B (NOÉ Program) | business model and product development | lean | corporate innovation.
PhD Program - Corvinus University of Budapest 2018 — 2017.
Doctor of Philosophy (Ph. D.), Innovation and sustainable development.
Master's Degree, Finance; economics; business development; startups, Very Good.
Bachelor's Degree, Business Administration & Economics.
OTP Hungaro-Projekt Ltd. September 2018 - Present.
Start-ups, Corporate Finance, Business Development, Business Strategy, Management Consulting, Managerial Finance, Mergers & Acquisitions, Management, Strategic Planning, Lean Management, CRM, Venture Capital, Restructuring, Business Process. International Business, Consulting, Leadership, Project Management.
Árpád Varga.
Marketing Manager at IL Treno.
Marketing e publicidade.
Budapesti Gazdasági Főiskola 2018 — 2018.
Business Communication BA.
Agriculture Manager BA.
IL Treno June 2018 - Present.
Agro Culture Hungary January 2018 - May 2018.
Robert Bosch Kft. January 2018 - July 2018.
Robert Bosch Kft. March 2009 - December 2018.
Robert Bosch Kft September 2008 - March 2009.
Robert Bosch Kft. February 2008 - August 2008.
Subway August 2007 - January 2008.
Creative Problem Solving, Microsoft Office 2007, Photoshop, Marketing Communications, Online Marketing, Driving, Social Media, Press Kits, Advertising, SAP, English, Event Management, Public Relations, Event Planning, Corporate Communications, Media Relations, Strategy, Marketing, Marketing Strategy, Management.
Viktor Balogh.
Analyst at Goldman Sachs.
Management Sciences, Business/Commerce, General.
Bachelor's degree, International Business.
Goldman Sachs June 2018 - Present.
Loughborough University September 2018 - June 2018.
Barclays April 2018 - April 2018.
National Bank of Hungary August 2018 - October 2018.
PwC UK April 2018 - May 2018.
BDO UK LLP April 2018 - April 2018.
Libri Könyvkereskedelmi Kft. June 2018 - September 2018.
SQ Invest Kft. May 2018 - May 2018.
Organisational. Teamwork, Team Leadership, Communication, Interpersonal Skill, Commercial Aviation, Commercial Awareness, Creativity, Data Analysis, Management Consulting, Banking, Customer Service, Financial Analysis, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, Microsoft Office, Short Films, Time Management, Management, Economics.
Viktoria Schmidt.
Sales Director at Sagem Communications.
Balogh Webster Seminar.
Global Partners Zrt 2018 - Present.
SAGEMCOM July 2009 - Present.
BNI (Business Networking International) 2018 - 2018.
GE Consumer & Industrial January 2001 - July 2009.
GE Lighting & Industrial 2002 - 2009.
Tungsram 1985 - 1991.
International Sales, Electronics, Product Management, Product Development, Business Management, Product Marketing, Marketing Management, Quality Management, 6 Sigma, Six Sigma, Management, Strategy, Key Account Management, Process Improvement, Change Management, Business Strategy, Supply Chain, New Business Development, Supply Chain Management, Manufacturing, Quality System, Cross-functional Team. Procurement, Business Planning, Leadership, Continuous Improvement, Operational Excellence, Project Management, International Business, Pricing, Business Development, Sales Management, Team Management, Forecasting, P&L Management, Lean Manufacturing, Operations Management, Competitive Analysis, Sales, Team Leadership, Outsourcing, B2B, Business Process. Negotiation, Start-ups, Market Analysis, Contract Negotiation, Management Consulting, CRM, Account Management.
Viktor Kiss.
Senior System Engineer at TC&C.
Msc, Computer Programmer in Economics.
Msc, Accounting, Economics, Finance.
TC&C October 2018 - Present.
IT Services Hungary Kft. May 2018 - October 2018.
IT Services Hungary April 2018 - May 2018.
, C#, Business Intelligence, Business Objects, Linux server. CentOS, Debian, Oracle, MySQL, Dashboards, PHP Applications, Apache, PL/SQL, ASP, ASP MVC, ASP AJAX, Scrum, Linux System. Crystal Xcelsius, Visual Studio, PHP.
Viktor Nagy.
IT Manager at Carussel Group.
Tecnologia da Informação e Serviços.
Budapest Kommunikációs és Üzleti Főiskola 2018 — 2018.
Master of Arts (MA), Management and Leadership.
Bachelor's degree, Business Information Systems.
Carussel Group December 2018 - Present.
Garantiqa Hitelgarancia Zrt. December 2018 - December 2018.
Garantiqa Hitelgarancia Zrt. January 2018 - November 2018.
Software Project. Project Management, Business Process, Management, Business Intelligence, IT Strategy, Business Analysis, IT Management, IT Solutions.
Virág Varga.
Deputy Store Manager at Inditex.
Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem 2018 — 2018.
Master's degree, Marketing.
Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA), Business Administration and Management, General.
Inditex January 2018 - Present.
Internet Advantage September 2009 - March 2018.
Budapest College of Management February 2009 - June 2009.
SEO, Email Marketing, Press Releases, Market Research.
Viktor Papp.
Corvinus University of Budapest 1998 — 2004.
Smart Id Technologies Ltd 2018 - Present.
LogSystems Ltd January 2006 - Present.
New Business Development, Product Management, Business Strategy, E-commerce, Logistics, Analysis, Wireless, Program Management, Business Development, Negotiation, Business Process. Mobile Devices, Project Planning, Sales Management, Business Planning, Supply Chain Management, Project Management, Management Consulting, Product Marketing.
Péter Zelenák.
Junior Analyst at Neticle Technologies.
Corvinus University of Budapest 2018 — 2018.
Communication and Media Studies.
Neticle Technologies 2018 - Present.
Zoltan Csillag.
Editorinchief at Márkamonitor. hu.
Marketing e publicidade.
Corvinus University of Budapest 1997 — 2002.
M. Sc., Marketing, European Studies.
NVQ (OKJ), Personal Trainer.
Certified Sports Trainer, Body building - Fitness.
Márkamonitor (BrandMonitor) December 2018 - Present.
GfK Hungaria September 2018 - January 2018.
Dreher Breweries Ltd. (SABMiller) January 2008 - August 2018.
Bayer HealthCare February 2007 - December 2007.
Procter & Gamble May 2004 - February 2007.
Ministry of Economic Affairs, Hungary January 2001 - April 2004.
Consumer Insight, Data Analysis, Marketing Reporting, Introducing New Products, Price Setting, Communication. Trade Promotions, Endorsements, Agency Coordination, Briefing, Market Analysis, Marketing Research, Marketing Communications, Product Development, Customer Insight, Market Planning.
Zoltán Dévai.
Committed to CustomerFocus ►Service Management ►Vendor Management ►Project Execution ►BPR ►Help and ServiceDesk ►IT.
Corvinus University of Budapest 1993 — 1996.
Master of Science (MSc), Electrical, Electronics and Communications Engineering.
Gemba Csoport June 2018 - Present.
freelancer 2001 - Present.
Richter Gedeon Nyrt October 2018 - May 2018.
KBC Global Services February 2018 - December 2018.
Audi Akademie Hungaria Kft. 2018 - 2018.
Audi Hungaria Motor Kft. 2009 - 2009.
Hungarian Post 2008 - 2008.
T-Mobile 2007 - 2007.
KELER Group 2007 - 2007.
Magyar Közút nZrt. 2006 - 2006.
Service Management, Strategy, Outsourcing, CRM, Customer Experience. Service Design, Management, Project Management, Business Strategy, Business Analysis, Management Consulting, ITIL, Vendor Management, Customer Service, Data Center, Telecommunications, Business Development, Analysis, Change Management, Lean IT, Radical Management, Business Process.
Keszy-Harmath Zoltan.
Prospero Telekom Ltd. / ArsTrade Ltd.
Corvinus University of Budapest.
ArsTrade ltd. March 2009 - Present.
Prospero Telekom ltd. April 2008 - Present.
T-Fúzió Kft. September 2018 - March 2018.
Magyar Telekom / T-Mobile / Westel March 1994 - December 2007.
Zoltan Komaromi.
Head of Sales at Hungarian Circus and Variety Nonprofit Ltd. (MACIVA)
Budapesti Gazdasági Főiskola 1992 — 1996.
economics, Trade and Catering.
without degree, Information Technology.
Hungarian Circus and Variety Nonprofit Ltd. (MACIVA) June 2018 - Present.
Monacor Hungária Kft. March 2018 - May 2018.
Shopline Webstore Corp. May 2018 - January 2018.
Gulliver Kft. January 2018 - May 2018.
Schwarzkopf Professional January 2018 - December 2018.
L'Oréal August 2008 - January 2018.
Robert Bosch GmbH June 1999 - August 2008.
Henkel February 1997 - May 1999.
Nestlé S. A. February 1994 - October 1996.
Management, Direct Sales, Retail, Sales, Contract Negotiation, Telecommunications, Sales Management, Key Account Management, Marketing Management, Account Management, E-commerce, E-business, Program Management, Marketing Strategy, New Business Development.
Zoltán Lukács.
Owner at Sorslevelek.
Marketing e publicidade.
Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem 2006 — 2018.
BA, International Sales and Marketing.
BA, unfinished, Cultural Anthropology.
Sorslevelek - Indiai pálmalevelek September 2018 - Present.
EgyensúlyOM Egészséges Életmódért Egyesület August 2018 - Present.
BNI Hungary April 2018 - April 2018.
Spektrum LED March 2018 - April 2018.
Fair Világ Méltányos Kereskedelem Szövetség November 2006 - June 2018.
BNI Hungary April 2018 - April 2018.
Indiai Pálmalevél Kutatószövetség September 2018 - February 2018.
GameHunter Team October 2004 - November 2018.
Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem November 2008 - October 2018.
English, Marketing Communications, Market Research, Social Media, Marketing Strategy, Social Media Marketing, Online Marketing, Advertising, Online Advertising, Business Strategy, Marketing, Business Development.
Zoltan Melis.
Managing Director at IBCS Hungary.
Tecnologia da Informação e Serviços.
Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem 1993 — 1996.
Post-graduate, Economics, Foreign Trade and Logistics.
Excellent (5), Electrical Engineering, Network Computing.
IBCS Group 2004 - Present.
IBCS Hungary 1993 - Present.
BCS Hungary 1992 - 1993.
Softec Ltd. 1990 - 1992.
Mobile, Security, Logistics, Retail, Manufacturing, Mobile Devices, Management, Strategy, Supply Chain, Leadership, Solution Selling, Barcode, Solutions Marketing, Downhill Skiing, Go-to-market Strategy, Sales Management, Business Development, Wireless, Channel Partners, Product Management.
Zoltán Géczi.
Partner, OD Consultant, Coach, Trainer at iConsHungary Humánfejlesztő és Tanácsadó Kft.
Professional Training & Coaching.
Budapest Corvinus University 1999 — 2002.
Master, Media Economics & Business Communication.
SolutionSeed 2018 - Present.
Academy of Experience 2007 - Present.
iCons-Hungary Humánfejlesztő és Tanácsadó Kft. March 2018 - Present.
Outward Bound 2008 - 2018.
Outward Bound Hong Kong 2009 - 2018.
Society for Organizational Learning (SoL Institute) 2003 - 2004.
Workshop Facilitation, Coaching, Team Building, Outdoor Education, Conflict Resolution, Personal Development, NLP, Organizational. Systems Thinking, Training Facilitation, Nonviolent Communication, Transformative Mediation, Experiential Education, Cultural Change. Organizational Learning, Training, Leadership Development, Executive Coaching, Change Management, Emotional Intelligence.
Zoltán Vágó.
KPMG Sports Advisory.
Budapest Corvinus University 2018 — 2018.
Master's degree, Economic Analyst.
Bachelor's degree, Business Administration and Management, General.
KPMG Hungary December 2018 - Present.
Hungarian Competition Authority July 2018 - September 2018.
Corvinus University of Budapest September 2018 - June 2018.
AIESEC at Corvinus University of Budapest February 2018 - January 2018.
English, Economics, Analysis, Teamwork, Research, International Economics, Microsoft Office, QlikView, Gretl.
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